Singing Guide: Beth Orton

Singing Guide: Beth Orton

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Beth Orton started her career in the early 1990s as a rising star of the UK's folktronica movement. She released her debut album "Trailer Park" in 1996 and won the hearts of many with her haunting vocals and unique blend of folk, electronic and pop.

Orton's singing style is characterized by a combination of delicate phrasing and emotive expression. She is known for her breathy, intimate delivery and her ability to convey the raw emotion of her lyrics.

To learn how to sing like Beth Orton, start with the basics. Use the Singing Carrots vocal range test to determine your voice type and range. Once you know your voice type, choose songs that showcase your vocal strengths and work on expanding your range with targeted exercises.

Breathing is key to singing like Beth Orton. Practice active and passive breathing techniques to increase lung capacity and breath control. The Tone Scale exercise from the Singing Carrots pitch training tool can help you develop and improve your breath support.

Beth Orton often uses open mouth and throat techniques, which help her achieve her unique vocal sound. Read this Singing Carrots article on the importance of open mouth and throat while singing. The article also provides tips on how to achieve a more resonant tone.

To master her song interpretation style, learn effective ways to interpret and perform a song using the Singing Carrots article on how to learn a song effectively. It provides useful tips on phrasing, dynamics and expression.

Warm-ups are also essential to Beth Orton's style of singing. They help you get into the right mindset and prepare your voice for the demands of singing. Check out the Farinelli Breathing exercise video from the Singing Carrots resources to help you develop good breathing techniques and vocal agility.

Finally, Beth Orton's unique style can be attributed to her use of contemporary vocal techniques such as Belting. The Singing Carrots article on contemporary vocal techniques: heavy modal, twang, belting is a must-read for anyone interested in expanding their vocal style.

In conclusion, learning to sing like Beth Orton is a journey that involves fundamental techniques and a unique understanding of her style. Apply the practical advice above and use the Singing Carrots vocal training tools, and you too can develop some of the skills that have made Beth Orton one of the UK's most beloved singers.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.